computer science 1

Hi! My name is Hannah Moon and this is my gita website with my Computer Science 1 Projects.
Feel free to look around!

about me

i'm currently a freshman at brea and this year i'm involved in mock trial, jesus club and service
clubs like key club and random acts of service. i also love reading and being with my friends and family.
after i graduate from highschool, i'm undecided on what college i want to attend, but i plan to go for 4 years.


this year in GITA we learnt how to code in the language of C#. We used Visual Studios to
make our projects and Notepad++ to make this very website! You can download visual studios here.

goodbye program

date: august 25, 2023

in this program, we leaned how to customize labels and buttons.
the program shows you how to say goodbye in different languages when you click the buttons.

about page

date: august 29, 2023

in this program, we leaned how to change pictures and text using buttons.
the program shows you information about "moon's macaroons" a company i created.

mailing label

date: september 6, 2023

in this program, we leaned how to use textboxes and output information.
the program allows you to input information and creates a mailing label for you.


date: september 11, 2023

in this program, we practiced using texboxes and learned how to create messages.
the program creates a madlib for you after filling out all the textboxes.

car rental

date: september 15, 2023

in this program, we learned how to calculate prices with the information given.
the program allows you to rent a car and calculates how much it cost and the miles you drove.

bmi calculator

date: september 19, 2023

in this program, we learned how to perform more complicated calculations.
the program calculates your bmi for you and gives reference numbers and a meal plan.

car rental upgrade

date: september 25, 2023

in this program, we learned how to calculate depending on the users decisions.
the program is an upgraded version of the car rental and gives you choices for your type of car and additions you want.

test scores

date: october 2, 2023

in this program, we practiced intaking user information and using if statements.
the program calculates the letter grade of a test score and gives the higher score and average.

dice probabilities

date: october 4, 2023

in this program, we learnt how to generate random numbers and output them as dice.
the program allows you to roll two dice and calculates the probability of the sum of the dice.

craps game

date: october 10, 2023

in this program, we practiced changing the results depending on the dice rolled.
the program allows you to play the casino craps game online.

slot game

date: october 18, 2023

in this program, we used radio buttons and random numbers to create a slot machine.
the program requires you to insert credits then allows you to spin until you win.

taco shop

date: october 30, 2023

in this program, we used everything that we've learnt so far this year.
the program acts as a taco truck and allows you to pick the meat, flour and any toppings you want.
you can also decide your payment method.

rock paper scissors

date: november 13, 2023

in this program, we used radio buttons to create a game of rock paper scissors lizard spock.
the program also hides the opponent's choice and keeps track of who won and lost.


date: november 13, 2023

in this program, we used arrays to randomly place stitch on a step.
the program also keeps count of how many times each door is opened and the total steps taken.

2d submarines

date: january 8, 2024

in this program, we used arrays to simulate 2 submarines in the ocean.
the program also has obstacles that causes the submarines to sink after being hit too many times.

tic tac toe

date: january 23, 2024

in this program, we used arrays to create a 5-in-a-row tic tac toe game.
the program also keeps track of how many times each player won.


date: febuary 19, 2024

in this program, we used for loops to create a moving starfield.
the program also creates the illusion that you're moving through space.

fishing simulator

date: febuary 23, 2024

in this program, we used both for loops and arrays to create a fishing game.
the program also has a shark that eats the fish and keeps track of how many fish you catch.

bee simulator

date: march 18, 2024

in this program, we used array lists to add new bees to the form.
the program also has a shark that eats the fish and keeps track of how many fish you catch.

BOHS website
Phone Number: (714) 990-7850
Address: 789 N Wildcat Way
Brea, CA 92821